What am I into right now?

Billy Sujana
1 min readJul 2, 2021


Around my age, which is around 25 years old, a lot of people feel this anxiety feeling, so-called “quarter-life crisis”. From my view, it is anxiety and restless feeling about life, like wondering what will happen next? what am I going to do next after graduate? why am I still like this? meanwhile, the others already got a master degree from overseas, and become managers in their company?

But hopefully, not for me, I have already known what I wanted at least for 5 years from now, hence I got inspired by my friend that got accepted in Italy, so do I, I want to pursue my master degree overseas as well. I have been thinking, that I want to pursue a master degree in Environmental Design and Engineering MSc in University College London next year, with support from Chevening or LPDP, thank God and Amin. Then reside back in Indonesia in 2023 and maybe working as a green building consultant for 3 years to get experienced while building my own company with my friends.

Those are my short plan for 5 years from now and I am still working and do my best to achieve that, there is a quote from “hard work pays off”, and I believe, I will make it happen. Amin

