Tips and Trick for LPDP Interview’s

Billy Sujana
2 min readJun 27, 2021


Today, i was attending a webinar with topic tips and tricks for LPDP Interview organised by outstanding young Indonesia. The presenter was Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi a lecturer form universitas brawijaya. It went quite neat but the way he presented the material is so like a lecture class, so I felt sleepy after around 30 minutes. He shared his experienced while he was an LPDP interviewer.
There were 3 points that LPDP considered for accepting the awardee, firstly was the academic records, such as GPA, TOEFL or IETLS, LPDP preferably chooses a person that has outstanding merits, but does not close the chance for people that has average merits. The rumour has it that who is got TOEFL from certain places, was considered cheating, so you must prooven your English score with good English speaking.

Second, leadership and social experiences. LPDP would like to accept the one with great leadership skills and had actively joined in social events that give impact to the society or country, hence you need to prove it by providing information such as certificate or photos of the events. You can prepare all the certificates you have in one doc and if the interviewer asks for proof you can immediately share the screen with them. this doc is for proof that you are not bluffing.

The last one, was our knowledge of Indonesian culture, like traditional songs, traditional foods, and traditional dances. it could be added value for the interviewer that we are care and love Indonesia Culture.

Interview TIPS:
1. Be Honest
2. Practice makes perfect, practice interview
3. Pray to god

Billy, 27/6/2021 (10.00 pm — 10.25 pm)

