Short Story #1

Billy Sujana
2 min readSep 10, 2023


The story of a journey of one heart.

First of all, it all started with the placement announcement, I felt sad and didn't believe that I got Citanduy, a place that is well known as “the farthest office of Public works”. All I thought was about the Allianz Business and my parents that I must go far away from home, and no chance of romance in Citanduy. Nevertheless, I felt a spark of romance with someone whom I had ever met and shared the same environment with her, alas we didn't know each other before. This writing is all about it.

May 25th, 2023, was the first time I texted Her on Instagram. Firstly, I checked Her profile and saw her post, My eyes were focused on a photo “ A Candid photo with Her smiling or a little laughed mimic, she was wearing a white dress with an open shoulder” and I said to myself “Pretty and cute”. Then, I asked d her about the work in Citanduy, the environment, the benefits, the rented room, etc. She replied humbly and recommended my rented room, which, I live in now. I was just being friendly with her on the chat and fortunately, she didn't feel bothered or anything about it. She is so cute that she calls herself using her name like “Vanessa is in KPISDA division” or “Vanessa got the photos of the rented room”, somehow it felt so cute, I think most of man might have a feeling with that habit of her. Ps: Perhaps me too.

On May 31st, 2023, out of nowhere, I texted her that I would go to Banjar on May 5th and already got a rented room which she recommended me. While I am writing this, I read again that message and think that she is very kind and humble, even though we had never met before just by text, and the chat looks like we have known each other or it is just her being herself “Humble and kind”

June 6th, 2023, I texted her that I already arrived in Banjar, I don't even know why I told her that, what business that she should know that I had already arrived. What intention deep in my heart, is that I want to meet her in person because I was curious about her. Dunno…. and I asked her to meet up after the office, she said yes. Eventually, it was canceled, at that time I was okay with it.

June 7th, 2023, Finally my first day of work in Citanduy, I was orienting the office, and introduced to the staff there, and voila I met her in person, She was there inside the Zoom room, didn't notice that the newcomers come to introduce, and she went out the room and had a handshake with all of us, we all are were using white shirt, as I though she looks cute and pretty. We were told that we could sit there with her. At first, I was still a bit shy and just talking with my friends. There's not much I remember about it that day.

To be continue

