4 Steps to build better habits

Billy Sujana
2 min readJul 2, 2021


I have recently read Atomic Habits by James Clear, overall, this book is explaining about habits, how to build new habits and how to break bad habits. James wrote the book very simple and easy to read as well as practical, so the readers can try to implement it.

James mentioned there are 4 steps to build better habits, firstly is to make it obvious, whereas you are aware of what habits that you had right now, then assessed is that habits are good for you or you want to break them, and you want to add more good habits. After that, you say “I will (behaviour) at (time) in (location)” with intentions, you must make it clear, don't just say I will do this, in addition, you also can add habits stacking to continue from the previous habits, for instance, “After (old habits), I will (new habits)”.

Secondly is to make it attractive, it basically seems like getting rewards after doing something, “After I work out for 15 minutes, I can watch 1 episode of Friends series”, which is an example to make it attractive. The environment also has a role in this, while you are with people that are like to exercise, unconsciously you also tend to join them because you want to fit in with them.

The third is to make it easy, human behaviour follows the Law of Least Effort, as result, we are naturally going towards the option that requests the least amount of effort. Do not start with difficult habits, start with easy habits, and gradually increase the difficulty, it is easier to make it into habits. Design the environment to make the habits easy to do, if you want to become a writer, put things that related to writing such as books and pencils in your environment. Use the two-minute rule, said to yourself to do it for 2 minutes, but in the end, you will do it for more than 2 minutes. This makes it easier for you to start the habits.

The last is to make it satisfying, we are more likely to repeat doing something when the experience is satisfying. The practical way is to track your habits, it brings pleasure if you are doing progress, try to mark at your calendar when you did the habit. Give yourself immediate rewards also helps you feel satisfied and keep you on the habits.

1 per cent improvement every day seems like nothing changed, but if you do it every day in a year in the long run it makes you 37.78 times better.

